Mt. Vernon High School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities for students to get involved in.
MVCSC Students learn and develop essential life skills through playing and working with teammates and coaches on and off the field!
We believe in empowering our students to achieve their dreams through the development of positive relationships, compassion, respect, and leadership through music.
The fall and spring musical performances at MVHS showcase the incredible acting and music talent our students have.
Our modern video production studio allows students to produce a live daily news and entertainment program called MVTV. The studio utilizes green screen technology and includes eight editing stations.
The NAHS strives to aid members in attaining the highest standards in art scholarship, character and service, and to bring art education to the attention of the school and community.
The National Honor Society empowers and equips your students with the knowledge and skills to be transformative leaders in our school, community, and beyond.
The MV Current, an online publication produced by students of Mt. Vernon High School, was founded to be a reliable, unbiased, and credible news source for the student body and community of MVCSC.